Saturday, September 10, 2005

Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

I am back in Evita´s town, Buenos Aires. Let me recount....a week ago I spent 18 hours on the bus to Salta (Argentina), then 4.5 hours to Humahuaga (Argentina), then 2 hours to the Bolivia border, then 2 hours to Tupiza (Bolvia), then 5 hours to Uyuni (Bolivia), then the 3 day trip to the south west (about 10 hours driving), then 2 hours to San Pedro (Chile), then 12 hours to Salta (Argentina), then 18 hours to Buenos Aires (Argentina) .

It was all a fantastic week and I captured about 1,000 awesome pictures...but I am dead tired now. I´m off to bed. In 2 days I am flying down to Ushuaia (Argentina)...the world most southern town!

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